type아래와 같이 코드를 작성하면 PC가 부팅된 시각을 얻을 수 있습니다.
sts0_start: DWORD; // the time when statistics collection started
sts0_fopens: DWORD; // number of times a file is opened on a server
sts0_devopens: DWORD; // number of times a server device is opened
sts0_jobsqueued: DWORD; // number of server print jobs spooled
sts0_sopens: DWORD; // number of times the server session started
sts0_stimedout: DWORD; // number of times the server session automatically disconnected
sts0_serrorout: DWORD; // number of times the server sessions failed with an error
sts0_pwerrors: DWORD; // number of server password violations
sts0_permerrors: DWORD; // number of server access permission errors
sts0_syserrors: DWORD; // number of server system errors
sts0_bytessent_low: DWORD; // number of server bytes sent to the network
sts0_bytessent_high: DWORD; // number of server bytes sent to the network
sts0_bytesrcvd_low: DWORD; // number of server bytes received from the network
sts0_bytesrcvd_high: DWORD; // number of server bytes received from the network
sts0_avresponse: DWORD; // average server response time (in milliseconds)
sts0_reqbufneed: DWORD; // number of times the server required a request buffer but failed to allocate one
sts0_bigbufneed: DWORD; // number of times the server required a big buffer but failed to allocate one
StatisticsStartTime: int64; // Specifies the time statistics collection started
BytesReceived: int64; // total number of bytes received by the workstation
SmbsReceived: int64; // total number of server message blocks (SMBs) received by the workstation
PagingReadBytesRequested: int64; // total number of bytes that have been read by paging I/O requests
NonPagingReadBytesRequested: int64; // total number of bytes that have been read by non-paging I/O requests
CacheReadBytesRequested: int64; // number of bytes that have been read by cache I/O requests
NetworkReadBytesRequested: int64; // total amount of bytes that have been read by disk I/O requests
BytesTransmitted: int64; // total number of bytes transmitted by the workstation
SmbsTransmitted: int64; // total number of SMBs transmitted by the workstation
PagingWriteBytesRequested: int64; // total number of bytes that have been written by paging I/O requests
NonPagingWriteBytesRequested: int64; // total number of bytes that have been written by non-paging I/O requests
CacheWriteBytesRequested: int64; // total number of bytes that have been written by cache I/O requests
NetworkWriteBytesRequested: int64; // total number of bytes that have been written by disk I/O requests
InitiallyFailedOperations: DWORD; // total number of network operations that failed to begin
FailedCompletionOperations: DWORD; // total number of network operations that failed to complete
ReadOperations: DWORD; // total number of read operations initiated by the workstation
RandomReadOperations: DWORD; // total number of random access reads initiated by the workstation
ReadSmbs: DWORD; // total number of read requests the workstation has sent to servers
LargeReadSmbs: DWORD; // total number of read requests the workstation has sent to servers that are greater than twice the size of the server's negotiated buffer size
SmallReadSmbs: DWORD; // total number of read requests the workstation has sent to servers that are less than 1/4 of the size of the server's negotiated buffer size
WriteOperations: DWORD; // total number of write operations initiated by the workstation
RandomWriteOperations: DWORD; // total number of random access writes initiated by the workstation
WriteSmbs: DWORD; // total number of write requests the workstation has sent to servers
LargeWriteSmbs: DWORD; // total number of write requests the workstation has sent to servers that are greater than twice the size of the server's negotiated buffer size
SmallWriteSmbs: DWORD; // total number of write requests the workstation has sent to servers that are less than 1/4 of the size of the server's negotiated buffer size
RawReadsDenied: DWORD; // total number of raw read requests made by the workstation that have been denied (Windows XP/2000: This member is not supported)
RawWritesDenied: DWORD; // total number of raw write requests made by the workstation that have been denied (Windows XP/2000: This member is not supported)
NetworkErrors: DWORD; // total number of network errors received by the workstation
Sessions: DWORD; // total number of workstation sessions that were established
FailedSessions: DWORD; // number of times the workstation attempted to create a session but failed
Reconnects: DWORD; // total number of connections that have failed
CoreConnects: DWORD; // total number of connections to servers supporting the PCNET dialect that have succeeded
Lanman20Connects: DWORD; // total number of connections to servers supporting the LanManager 2.0 dialect that have succeeded
Lanman21Connects: DWORD; // total number of connections to servers supporting the LanManager 2.1 dialect that have succeeded
LanmanNtConnects: DWORD; // total number of connections to servers supporting the NTLM dialect that have succeeded
ServerDisconnects: DWORD; // number of times the workstation was disconnected by a network server
HungSessions: DWORD; // total number of sessions that have expired on the workstation
UseCount: DWORD; // total number of network connections established by the workstation
FailedUseCount: DWORD; // total number of failed network connections for the workstation
CurrentCommands: DWORD; // number of current requests that have not been completed
function NetApiBufferFree(
lpBuffer: Pointer
): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall;function NetStatisticsGet(
erver: PWideChar;
ervice: PWideChar;
level : DWORD;
options : DWORD;
out pBuf: Pointer
) : NET_API_STATUS; stdcall;function NetApiBufferSize(pBuffer: Pointer; out dwByteCount: DWORD): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall;
NetAPI32 = 'NetAPI32.dll';function NetApiBufferFree; external NetAPI32 name 'NetApiBufferFree';
function NetApiBufferSize; external NetAPI32 name 'NetApiBufferSize';
function NetStatisticsGet; external NetAPI32 name 'NetStatisticsGet';
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
bufPtr: Pointer;
dwSize: DWORD;
ret := NetStatisticsGet(nil, 'LanmanWorkstation', 0, 0, bufPtr); // LanmanWorkstation
if (ret = 0) then
CopyMemory(@SW, bufPtr, SizeOf(STAT_WORKSTATION_0));
NetApiBufferSize(bufPtr, dwSize);
ShowMessage('부팅된 시각 : ' + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss', FileTimeToDateTime(TFileTime(SW.StatisticsStartTime))));
ret := NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr);
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