게임/히어로즈 오브 마이트 앤 매직

Homm5 Changes in patch 1.01

채윤아빠 2007. 11. 22. 14:45
Some fixes will take effect only after map restart, if loading from an older version save.

Features added:

- Auto-patcher
- EASY mode


- MP does not start if the player states differ
- "Ubi.com error" message does not appear after a win in a rating game
- Random cities use name and description from map
- Profile screen fixes (experience, alignment)
- Haven: stables message is back, other messages fixed
- Profile screen: random race games now shown correctly
- Camera glitches in Rebellion' campaign map cutscene removed
- Item selection in lobby screen fixed
- Ghost mode 'guard' command fixed
- Ghost mode after disconnection turn transfer fixed
- Profile info for other players now accessible
- Map info for MP games is localized
- The spells added by the library are given to the hero immediately
- MP game preferences panel fixed
- "Resisted" combat text fixed
- Training games results are not reported to Ubi.com now
- Hero perk rolls fixed
- Elemental creatures not affected by Wasp Swarm spell now
- Druid Elder's Mana Feed ability fixed
- Temptress hero specialization fixed
- Some points of Combat AI fixed
- 'The Promise' campaign map 3rd cutscene sound fixed
- ATB Bar refresh fixed
- Separate stacks displayed in Combat Results
- Heroes planned paths searching at turn start/after whirlpool fixed
- Invalid level ups (double skill increases) blocked
- Representation of heroes on boats in ghost mode now is correct
- After all players disconnected from Ghost mode game ends correctly
- Combat pathfinder does not ignore the moat
- Artifact Merchant submenu can not be called by hotkey without the building
- Reconnected players can't see themselves on Ubi.com now
- Dark Raider retaliation strike fixed
- Creatures under Berserk spell effect always attack now
- Refined Mana perk fixed
- Hut of Magi still shows areas after pressing Esc key
- Castle gates are closed immediately
- Zero-count monsters on low difficulty levels fixed
- Water shaders fixed
- Startup videos playback fixed
- Grail map called from underground fixed
- Ghost mode phase message fixed
- Sound glitches fixed
- MP game name length is restricted
- Interface sounds are not 3d fixed
- Fixed prerequisites for Urgash's Call, it was impossible to take it.
- Campaign map 'The Conquest' Main Sylvan hero Gilraen weakened, his script fixed
- Maeve added as haven random hero
- double hero portraits prevented
- Now after 'The Attack' campaign map loading right 'Invasion' map instead 'The Regicide' map
- 'The Defence' campaign map scripts fixed
- Shadow Witches have new model
- 'The Cultist's' campaign map garrison fixed
- Credits fixed
- 'The March' campaign map keymaster blocked for AI
- Demon character fixed
- Zehir's flag color changed
- Map tags fixed for MP maps
- AI-geometry for Pyramid and shipwrecks fixed
- Dungeon town: Grim Enclosure and lightmaps fixed
- Random heroes on MP maps fixed
- Hero Jhora gets Magic Missile spell due to her specialization description
- Inferno and Necropolis lightmaps recalculated
- Maeve hero Tactics removed
- '954 YSD: Hot Pursuit': some map objects fixed
- 'Dragon Pass': object fixed, rebalanced
- fixed instant travel holes
- Duel presets rebalanced
- 'The Betrayal' campaign map message for garrison approach added
- 'The Expansion'campaigm map multiple fixes added (hero skills, messages, added guards)
- 'Raelag's Offer' campaign map: texture near Inferno Military Post fixed
- LAN games can now be played in different segment configurations

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